Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Today's Passage: 1 Chronicles 11-12

In this passage we see the beginning to David's 40 year reign as the King of Israel. It gives me a surreal feeling to think about this time in the history of God's people. From the time of this passage until David's actions with Bathsheba is often seen as the highest point of honor and success for Israel. Almost all of the rest of the Old Testament describes how God's people have fallen away from Him or how after receiving redemption from God His people fail to maintain obedience to His commands. However, right here in 1 Chronicles 11 is the beginning of the good times for Israel.

This gets me thinking about where we are currently as a nation. Not just as Americans, but as a nation of believers from around the World. When our great grandchildren look back at the year 2000 and the 25-50 years following. What are they going to see about who we were and what we did as God's people? Will we be remembered as a group of successful believers who built a stronger foundation for those who follow us? Or will we be remembered as yet another generation that failed to capture what it means to truly follow Christ?

I hope you took many opportunities last week to pray about your spiritual legacy. Just like David is an important part of Jesus' legacy, so are you in the lives of everyone you share Christ with. Share the hope that you have in Jesus today with someone; it could change their life!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today's Passage: 1 Chronicles 9

Over the next few days, we will be reading a genealogical history of Israel. Because the passages will be a bit repetitive, you are going to see the same blog post for the next few days as well.While reading the genealogy, think about the following points:

* Remember that these are real people and real places. The Bible, and especially the Old Testament, is also a book of history. The fact that many of these people and places have been traced or discovered over the years continues to affirm the truth of scripture.

* The family was very important in Old Testament much so that they went to great lengths to list families such as these in several OT books. They lived the truth of Deuteronomy 6...that discipleship and worship starts in the home.

* As you read, think about your own spiritual genealogy. Praise God for the people in your family that pointed you toward the eternal hope of Christ. If you can't point to those people in your own life, praise God that He has brought you into His family forever. Ask God to make you the kind of person that will leave a spiritual legacy for years to come...what are you doing right now to teach your children, your grandchildren, your brothers and sisters...what will impact your family tree forever?

Enjoy this week of reflection and prayer as we study the Word together!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Today's Passage: I Chronicles 8

Over the next few days, we will be reading a genealogical history of Israel. Because the passages will be a bit repetitive, you are going to see the same blog post for the next few days as well.While reading the genealogy, think about the following points:

* Remember that these are real people and real places. The Bible, and especially the Old Testament, is also a book of history. The fact that many of these people and places have been traced or discovered over the years continues to affirm the truth of scripture.

* The family was very important in Old Testament much so that they went to great lengths to list families such as these in several OT books. They lived the truth of Deuteronomy 6...that discipleship and worship starts in the home.

* As you read, think about your own spiritual genealogy. Praise God for the people in your family that pointed you toward the eternal hope of Christ. If you can't point to those people in your own life, praise God that He has brought you into His family forever. Ask God to make you the kind of person that will leave a spiritual legacy for years to come...what are you doing right now to teach your children, your grandchildren, your brothers and sisters...what will impact your family tree forever?

Enjoy this week of reflection and prayer as we study the Word together!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today's Passage: 1 Chronicles 7

Over the next few days, we will be reading a genealogical history of Israel. Because the passages will be a bit repetitive, you are going to see the same blog post for the next few days as well.While reading the genealogy, think about the following points:

* Remember that these are real people and real places. The Bible, and especially the Old Testament, is also a book of history. The fact that many of these people and places have been traced or discovered over the years continues to affirm the truth of scripture.

* The family was very important in Old Testament much so that they went to great lengths to list families such as these in several OT books. They lived the truth of Deuteronomy 6...that discipleship and worship starts in the home.

* As you read, think about your own spiritual genealogy. Praise God for the people in your family that pointed you toward the eternal hope of Christ. If you can't point to those people in your own life, praise God that He has brought you into His family forever. Ask God to make you the kind of person that will leave a spiritual legacy for years to come...what are you doing right now to teach your children, your grandchildren, your brothers and sisters...what will impact your family tree forever?

Enjoy this week of reflection and prayer as we study the Word together!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today's Passage: John 4

The portion of this chapter that I would like to focus on begins in verse 43 with the story of Jesus healing the official's son. The official approaches Jesus and asks Him to come to his son so that the child will not die. Jesus sends him on his way, assuring him that upon returning he will find his son to be well. I love the end of verse 50..."The man took Jesus at his word and departed."

When I read this account, I think, "of course he took Jesus at his word...He's Jesus!" BUT--how often do I neglect to take Jesus at his word. The Bible is full of promises from God for his people. I can be assured that the only one true God of the universe is my Father. And yet, I find myself worrying, I find myself doubting, I find myself trying to take matters into my own hands. Is there something in your life right now for which you're not taking Jesus at his word? Sometimes we can't believe that we're forgivable. Sometimes we can't believe that He loves us and desires an intimate relationship with us. Sometimes we doubt that He knows what's best for us, and his plan is better than our plans...timing and all! Whatever it is, pray for Him to help you trust, to take Him at his word.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today's Passage: 1 Chronicles 6

Over the next few days, we will be reading a genealogical history of Israel. Because the passages will be a bit repetitive, you are going to see the same blog post for the next few days as well.

While reading the genealogy, think about the following points:

* Remember that these are real people and real places. The Bible, and especially the Old Testament, is also a book of history. The fact that many of these people and places have been traced or discovered over the years continues to affirm the truth of scripture.

* The family was very important in Old Testament much so that they went to great lengths to list families such as these in several OT books. They lived the truth of Deuteronomy 6...that discipleship and worship starts in the home.

* As you read, think about your own spiritual genealogy. Praise God for the people in your family that pointed you toward the eternal hope of Christ. If you can't point to those people in your own life, praise God that He has brought you into His family forever. Ask God to make you the kind of person that will leave a spiritual legacy for years to come...what are you doing right now to teach your children, your grandchildren, your brothers and sisters...what will impact your family tree forever?

Enjoy this week of reflection and prayer as we study the Word together!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today's passage: 1 Chronicles 10

Did Saul's life have to end this way? No, he could have repented at several points in his reign as king. His story reminds me of a child who is endlessly stubborn, and is sometimes disciplined by the consequences of that stubbornness. For instance, as a five year old, I was determined to play with my balloon in the house. My parents kept telling me not to and that I would fall and hurt myself. While I was still playing, it finally happened, I fell and hit my head on the coffee table AND had to get stitches. This may seem a strange comparison to what happened to Saul in this chapter, but at the core there are strong similarities. I, too had the chance to repent from my stubborn attitude, but it took the corner of the coffee table to stop me from demanding my own way. Ever since the first time Saul disobeyed God, he seemed to travel a downward spiral, continuing to choose his own way, and so he chose his and his family's destruction.

Where are we today? Are we following God's direction in our lives? Or are we following our own path, maybe in direct opposition to what God's direction is? STOP! Right where you are, and surrender your will to God's. It's never too late to repent. Ezekiel 18:32 says, "Repent and live!"